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Why Trade in Your Old Car at a Ford Dealership? Reap the Rewards Now.

Why Trade in Your Old Car at a Ford Dealership? Reap the Rewards Now.

Maybe your vehicle’s upholstery needs an upgrade, or there are too many mechanical repairs on the horizon. Perhaps you just want something different for your primary mode of transportation. These are all signals it is time for a new vehicle. Instead of going through the hassle of selling the vehicle you currently own, you can trade it in at your local Ford dealership. Used cars in Calgary are always in demand. Trading in your vehicle benefits you and someone seeking to purchase a less expensive vehicle.  


8 Major Benefits of Trading in Your Vehicle


  1.   Maximize the Value – As soon as a vehicle is driven off the lot it depreciates in value. You can, however, hold on to a lot of the original value by simply trading in used vehicles in Calgary before they hit the one-year mark. Every passing year can lower resale value. Buying a new vehicle every year can be a fun treat for yourself and offers benefits including a full warranty and upgraded amenities.  As a bonus, you don’t have to waste valuable time trying to sell your vehicle online and risk running into potential scams in the process. Let the dealership help you and enjoy the peace of mind that everything has been taken care of correctly.


  1.   Year-End Demand – There comes a time at the end of the year when dealerships are looking to replenish their lots. This is a great time to get the most out of your trade-in vehicle. As long as your mode of transportation is well-kept, you can get top trade-in dollars for cars, trucks and SUVs. Your dealership will help you out and you will be driving away in a new vehicle for the new year.  


  1.   Save More – Save more than you may think possible by trading in your vehicle at the right time. When sales hit, you can get even more value by exploring clearance deals. Suddenly your trade-in vehicle will cover more of the total cost of your new one.  


  1.   Save Time – Saving time is a huge help especially when you lead a busy life. Forget having to haggle for the best price out of someone responding to your online ad. Instead, head to your dealer where you will receive a fair price because they want to make another sale. Dealerships want to help you find the best vehicle for your life and style and are transparent about pricing, financing, and service options. 

     You can forget about having to create an amazing ad, taking the right photos, and dealing with all those mechanical questions to sell your vehicle yourself. Just ask your dealership to find you a vehicle to switch out the one you currently own and let them worry about disposing of your old one.


  1.   Tax Savings – Oftentimes, the trade-in value is deducted from the price of your new vehicle. This means you only pay the tax difference between these two prices. What may seem unimportant can add up to some great savings in the long run.


  1.   Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect – Forget perfection when it comes to trading in used cars in Calgary. You don’t have to add “take the car in for inspection” to your list of to-dos when trading it in. With a private sale, your vehicle will likely have to run through a professional inspection to ensure it is in ideal condition. This can be quite costly and make a buyer back out of the sale. Instead, you can switch out your vehicle at a dealership without an inspection, as long as it is in reasonable condition. 


  1.   Guarantee – A trade-in is a guaranteed sale and can happen quite quickly. Selling your vehicle on your own can take a lot of time and you may miss opportunities to purchase a new one during a good sale.  


  1.   Sale No Matter What - If your vehicle is not paid off, you must pay off the loan before selling it to a buyer. Dealerships often let you trade in your vehicle regardless of if it is fully paid off. They can offer you financing options to help you purchase your new vehicle and transfer the equity as part of the down payment. This way, you can sell a vehicle and benefit from quick and easy transactions.  


Keep in mind that the mileage, condition, and age will all affect the trade-in value of your car, truck, or SUV.


A Solid Sale


Consider trading in your used cars in Calgary and get every advantage from a dealership.  At Metro Ford, we make sure you are happy with your new car, truck, or SUV and are here to support your purchasing decisions. What’s left to ponder? A new vehicle can be yours without the hassle of trying to sell your current one independently. 

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